Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
Renou 2022
Renou, S.; Pontabry, J.; Assemat, G.; Akoka, S. (2022). “Radio-frequency pulse calibration using the MISSTEC sequence”. In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol. 341, pp. 107260.
Nakatani 2022
Nakatani, T.; Lin, J.; Ji, F.; Ettinger, A.; Pontabry, J.; Tokoro, M.; Altamirano-Pacheco, L. Fiorentino, J.; Mahammadov, E.; Hatano, Y.; Van Rechem, C.; Chakraborty, D.; Ruiz-Morales, E.; Arguello Pascualli, P.; Scialdone, A.; Yamagata, K.; Whetstine, J.; Sadreyev, R.; Torres-Padilla, M.-E. (2022). “DNA replication fork speed underlies cell fate changes and promotes reprogramming”. In: Nature genetics, vol. 54, n°3, pp. 318-327.
Borsos 2019
Borsos, M; Perricone, S.M.; Schauer, T.; Pontabry, J.; de Luca, K.L.; de Vries, S.S.; Ruiz-Morales, E.R.; Torres-Padilla, M.E & Kind, J (2019). “Genome-lamina interactions are established de novo in the early mouse embryo”. In: Nature, vol. 569, pp. 729-733.
Osmani 2018
Osmani, N.; Pontabry J.; Comelles, J.; Fekonja, N.; Goetz, J.G.; Riveline, D.; Goerges-Labouesse, E. & Labouesse, M (2018). “An Arf6- and caveolae-dependent pathway links Hemidesmosomes remodeling and mechanoresponse”. In: Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 29, pp. 435-451.
Vuong-Brender 2017
Vuong-Brender, T. T. K.; Ben Amar, M.; Pontabry, J. & Labouesse, M. (2017). “The interplay of stiffness and force anisotropies drive embryo elongation”. In: eLife, vol. 6, n. e23866.
Pontabry 2017
Pontabry, J.; Rousseau, F.; Studholme, C.; Koob, M. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2017). “A discriminative feature selection approach for shape analysis: Application to fetal brain cortical folding”. In: Medical Image Analysis, vol. 35, pp. 313–326.
Quintin 2016
Quintin, S.; Wang, S.; Pontabry, J.; Bender, A.; Robin, F.; Hyenne, V.; Landmann, F.; Gally, C.; Oegema, K. & Labouesse, M. (2016). “Non-centrosomal epidermal microtubules act in parallel to LET-502/ROCK to promote C. elegant elongation”. In: Development, vol. 143, pp. 160–173.
Boskovic 2014
Bošković, A.; Eid, A.; Pontabry, J.; Ishiuchi, T.; Spiegelhalter, C.; Ram, E. V. R.; Meshorer, E. & Torres-Padilla, M.-E. (2014). “Higher chromatin mobility supports totipotency and precedes pluripotency in vivo”. In: Genes & development, vol. 28, pp. 1042–1047.
Rousseau 2013
Rousseau, F.; Oubel, E.; Pontabry, J.; Schweitzer, M.; Studholme, C.; Koob, M. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2013). “BTK: An open-source toolkit for fetal brain MR image processing”. In: Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, vol. 109, pp. 65–73.
Pontabry 2013a
Pontabry, J.; Rousseau, F.; Oubel, E.; Studholme, C.; Koob, Mé. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2012). “Probabilistic tractography using Q-ball imaging and particle filtering: application to adult and in-utero fetal brain studies”. In: Medical image analysis, vol. 17, pp. 297–310.
International peer-reviewed conferences
Rousseau 2011
Rousseau, F.; Oubel, E.; Pontabry, J.; Studholme, C.; Koob, M. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2011). “An open-source toolkit for fetal brain MR image processing”. In: MICCAI Workshop: Image Analysis of Human Brain Development.
Pontabry 2011
Pontabry, J. & Rousseau, F. (2011). “Probabilistic tractography using Q-ball modeling and particle filtering”. In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, pp. 209–216.
National peer-reviewed conferences
Pontabry 2014
Pontabry, J. & Rousseau, F. (2014). “Étude du développement cérébral in utero à partir de données IRM”. In: Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA).
Pontabry 2013c
Pontabry, J. & Rousseau, F. (2013). “Construction d’atlas longitudinal en IRM de diffusion”. In: ORASIS-Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur.
Pontabry 2013b
Pontabry, J. & Rousseau, F. (2013). “Sélection de caractéristiques pour l’étude de la maturation cérébrale”. In: ORASIS-Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur.
Pontabry 2012
Pontabry, J.; Rousseau, F.; Studholme, C.; Koob, M. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2012). “Longitudinal probabilistic atlas of the fetal brain”. In: Nouvelles méthodologies d’imagerie in-vivo.
Rousseau 2011
Rousseau, F.; Oubel, E.; Pontabry, J.; Koob, M. & Dietemann, J.-L. (2011). “Reconstruction Methods for in-utero Fetal Brain MRI”. In: Colloque de Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé (RITS 2011).
Pontabry 2013d
Pontabry, J. (2013). “Construction d’atlas en IRM de diffusion: application à l’étude de la maturation cérébrale”. In: PhD thesis, Université de Strasbourg.